Berufskrankheit I:
Feuerschlucker leidet an Burn-Out-Syndrom - Archiv

Ein Tool-Set um sie alle zu knechten -> Ubitack 08.07.10 - 00:54:07 von copy
This tool automates some of the tasks you might need on a (wireless) penetration test or while you are on the go.
It aims to be a multi purpose tool for: Connecting to different access points with different credentials with easy to use config files Running an evil/rogue access point (Karma, Karmetasploit,...) Sniffing credentials (dsniff suite, sslstrip,...) Hamster credentials (Wifizoo, Ferret, Hamster) Set up secure connections in hostile environments (SSH tunnel, OpenVPN, DNS Tunnel) Installing and updating required tools and scripts

It is a bash script which basically takes care of all prerequisites and the actual starting of already known scripts and tools with its required command line options.
All of this in a simple to use text based GUI.
It's been written for the security distro Backtrack, heavily tested on BT4 Final in particular, also running on Ubuntu 9.10, but might work on others systems, too.

Schlagwörter: Ubitack, wifi, pentest, hacking,

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